There are many ways in which you can get involved as a Surf Life Saving volunteer. Surf Life Saving has opportunities for people to be an active patrol member saving lives on the beach, an age manager for Nippers on the weekend or as a volunteer club official working behind the scenes to ensure things run smoothly.
The Warrnambool Surf Life Saving Club is proud of the quality and calibre of our members who provide an invaluable voluntary service to the community.
WSLSC aims to set the benchmark in lifesaving service provision, rescue practices, emergency care, training and education, as we strive to make our public waterways safer for everyone.
Participation Pathways
Nipper Education Programs are delivered throughout summer. The program is about children participating in safe, fun and organised activities in a beach environment; preparing them to be future lifesavers.
This pathway will take you on a journey helping you discover how to transition from one role to another, courses, qualifications and much more.
Club Official
Surf Life Saving Australia employ a team of authentic and capable individuals who are dedicated to helping achieve our vision of zero preventable deaths in Australian waters.
Officials ensure competitions are run in a safe and secure environment, while maintaining rules and regulations.
Become A Lifeguard
Rostered Beach Patrols are held on Warrnambool’s main beach each summer on weekends and public holidays from the last weekend in November until the Easter Monday of the following year.
Competition Squad
The senior competition squad aims to keep our surf lovers engaged in the club by being involved in one or more surf activities including swimming, board paddling and ski paddling. Additionally you will see a boat crew or two in the water.
To become a member of the Warrnambool SLSC you need to:
Obtain your Working With Children Check. All members over 18 MUST hold a WWCC, that means if you turn 18 this season you should also apply for your WWCC now.
Pay for Club Membership and Nipper Program passes. You can utilise the family membership which covers all adults and children still at school (including tertiary) for $170. You will also need to purchase a nipper program pass for each child if enrolling in nippers.
Complete Skills Maintenance Requirements. Logging into your account on Member Training from anywhere will allow you to book into one of our Skills Maintenance sessions. It will also show you the dates of neighbouring sessions. Book yourself in and complete the theory components online before attending!
Install Team App. TeamApp is our primary source of day to day club communication and record of upcoming events. If it’s not on your phone you’re missing out!
Surf sport training in a variety of disciplines.
Step 1: Go to the WSLSC Store and select your membership category and add to cart.
If you are enrolling your children in nippers choose the Family Membership and select the relevant nipper passes from the drop down box.
For children aged 14 - 18yrs they must have SRC or Bronze Medallion and be listed in the notes box at checkout as an Active Junior when purchasing a Family Membership.
Step 2: Purchase any add on season passes or apparel you need and add to cart.
These could include Junior Comp Squad Membership, Senior Comp Squad Membership, Ski use pass, Board Hire, and FOB for club access. You can pay for these extra passes at a later date if needed. Directors of Junior and Senior Sport will advise when these season passes fall due. You can also purchase apparel in the same transaction.
Step 3: Enter the name(s) associated to the memberships and season passes purchased in the notes box at the bottom of the check out.
i.e. Family Membership John Smith (patrolling member), Faye Smith, Lottie and Billy Smith Nipper Passes, Patsy Smith Junior Comp Squad and Board Hire, FOB for Patsy Smith, apparel club hoodie for John Smith.
Step 4: Complete payment.
You MUST register as a new member or update your membership details in the SLSA portal. This ensures you are covered by insurance.
If you have NEVER been a member of a surf club in Australia before
Go to here: https://members.sls.com.au/members/join/member-join or from the redirect select Not a member of a surf club? Click here to JOIN
Select Join a Surf Lifesaving Club, select Warrnambool Surf Lifesaving Club and select either an individual or family membership. Follow the prompts to register all your primary member and family member details. Do NOT make a payment at the end. Your details will then be sent to Warrnambool memberships officer for processing.
If you are renewing membership or transferring membership from a different surf club
Go to here: https://members.sls.com.au/SLSA_Online/modules/login/index.php
Login with your User name and Password.
If you have forgotten or do not know your login details FIRST request your user name and password to be emailed to you. If this does not work then email: registrar@warrnamboolslsc.org.au
Renew membership button will display or renew via Memberships menu. Do NOT make a payment at the end. Your details will then be sent to Warrnambool memberships officer for processing.
Step 5: It is compulsory for ALL members 18+ years and ALL parents/guardians of Nippers to hold a Working with Children Check.
A Working with Children Check lasts 5 years. If you already hold a WWCC you need to update your details to add Warrnambool Surf Lifesaving Club. You can obtain a volunteer WWCC at no cost. To renew/update your WWCC go here: https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/. Forward your WWCC details to registrar@warrnamboolslsc.org.au
Step 6: Sign up to Team App for all membership updates
Download to your Smart phone via the App store
Ask to join Warrnambool Surf Lifesaving Club and sign up to the relevant Access Groups
This is essential for receiving internal club communications
With the patrolling season just around the corner it’s time to hop back into the water in preparation for this year’s requal. Requal is a chance to refresh all the knowledge that we’ve put to the back of our minds over winter and prepare ourselves for the coming season.
All active members must complete their re-qualification before January 1st to remain proficient.
This is to advise of our upcoming Skills Maintenance (SM) days at Warrnambool this year and all the requirements in regards to completing SM.
Please follow this document from start to finish. We suggest completing this process EARLY and preferably not the night before so that if you have problems with online membership or completing your SM requirements we can help you before the day and you won’t be held up at the end of the SM day.
The more members that prepare before the day the quicker it goes.
If you complete your SM at another Western club you MUST take your completed SM card away with you and return it to the Chief Instructor at your home club.
After the SM day take a picture of your SM card and email to
Jo McDowall Jo.McDowall@warrnamboolslsc.org.au
Then please return the original SM card to the return box outside the First Aid Room. This will ensure timely processing of your card.
You can book your skills maintenance via this link: https://mt.lsv.com.au/login/